Детские игры в Теремке
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уроки безопасности

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нескучные уроки
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ребусы и кроссворды
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Children's games
English for children

The English alphabet for children.

Studying English, like many other languages, should begin with the alphabet.
How to conduct the English alphabet learning correctly and not destroy children's will to study language? One should make the study of the alphabet an exciting, funny activity for children, and teach them during playing. Then the child will study eagerly, and not take learning alphabet as a dull duty. Our new game will help you learn the English alphabet easily.
Meet the English letters in Teremoc. In the English alphabet there are 26 letters.
To call them, tap the letters on the keyboard, and they will take the stage and introduce themselves, so you'll learn how to pronounce each letter of the English alphabet.

Use this code to activate the game "the English alphabet for children" into Your blog or website.














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