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Children's games
English for children

Counting in English from 10 to 100. Tens.
This game is devoted to the study of counting from 10 to 100 in English.
The tens are formed by adding of the -ty suffix to the ones.
For example, six + ty = sixty
It is necessary to memorize the exceptions which change the root during adding of ty:
two - twenty
three - thirty
four - forty
five - fifty

Except that, -t in the number of eight is omitted before the suffix during adding of ty
eight + ty = eighty
In English, the composite numbers 21, 22 and so on, are formed in the same manner as in Russian, but between tens and ones a hyphen (-) is placed.
21 = twenty-one
22 = twenty-two
99 = ninety-nine
In Russian there are names of hundreds: сто, двести, триста etc. In English, hundreds are formed by means of the word «hundred» (сто).
100 = one hundred
200 = two hundred
900 = nine hundred

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